This is what adhd sounds like. 😅

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OMG you’re exactly right! This is what it sounds like in my head all the time!

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Sh*t this isn't normal?

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Normal is relative. Our brains are highly entertaining if not productive, right?

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So I’m really here right now watching the video of the real guys filming a video of themselves looking at a real Banksy…

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The subtitles are fighting for their life here

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This deserves a Pulitzer. Just sayin.

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The ultimate mocumentory social media post 🤣

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I love you real guys filming!

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That was really happening right now with that Banksy and those guys and that girl.

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Very Esher-esque.

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A cacophany of Kiwis

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Sorry, a REAL banksy? Someone should really record that!

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So good!! 😂😂

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Ngl, this genuinely stressed me.

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Love the kind of cinema that comes out of you chaps when you've necked a few high end tequilas. Kia ora!

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This is so fun!

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Evil fucks 🤟

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