My need for CF4's zero self doubt is high. 🤖

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buttons in control? technical difficulties incoming. 💚

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CF4 is the amalgamation of all three guys! The brains, the looks and the wildcard—I’ll let you sort out which one is which :)

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The book of "Facts" 🤣♥️

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Why am I concerned for CF4s safety right now?

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Rhys you're doing the Riker manoeuvre with your leg 😏

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Zero self doubt! I'm so jealous!! ❤️

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Welcome to the team CF4!! And good luck on the other side of the portal...

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I fear there might be some technical difficulties with CF4. Just a hunch...

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Good luck CF4 😂

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If CF4 works remotely, I hope we’ll be able to ‘see through his eyes’ to explore the portal… or do you mean emotionally remote? Hoity-toity? The antithesis of Marvin the Paranoid Android 🤖

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Ooh, but where does the portal go? 🤔👀

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