Would you accept “I read these updates in my email and didn’t even notice I could hit “like” in the email because I wasn’t scrolling down far enough”?

Now rectified though!

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Same 😂

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HEY ME TOO I shant make this mistake again

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Me three, love your daily doodles. Thank you for sharing them 🫶🏼

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Same same

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I love these daily doodles, and I know for a fact that a lot of other people look forward to them everyday. I’m looking forward to seeing what adventures you, Dan and Buttons get up to next! 😊

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I feel this so hard -it’s the curse of posting drawings online. But you’ve got to try to make art for yourself, first and foremost. And If you happen to make one person’s day a little better, you’ve done something positive.

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Excuse me these are my emotional support doodles and already my day is incomplete without one.

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second this!! it’s the break in my day 😌💗

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YES!! The DDDs are ESDs! That's how I feel when the notif pops up, too 🤗❤️

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Imagine every "like" represents "love" squared by 2,000 and that will be how much I enjoy your drawings, posts, cryptid sightings, tour news and knowing you're alive and well.

You are loved, Mr. Rhys.

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I love your doodles, Rhys ❣️Thank you for setting up this safe space, where every little ❤️ is full of heartfelt appreciation for all you share with us.

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I'm a diligent liker of all things Darbs 🫡 💚

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*backup beeping* I've got a truckload of praise here, where do you want it?

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Ah, you keep going Rhysie. If it brings you joy, others will follow. I might have been inspired by the DDD for a cosplay for next week... so look out for that my friend!

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Maybe Farrier would be up for sending some more of us webworms over your way :P

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me scrolling back and liking a bunch of daily doodles 🫡🫡🫡

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We love and appreciate your daily doodles so much, sorry we haven't been that good at letting you know! ❤️

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I enjoy these so much! If you’d like more interaction, you’ll get it ❤️❤️

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I 👀you 🤣

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You behave!! /aff

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Never 😘

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Rhys we love your daily doodles! And we are constantly telling people to get on over here and read what you're up to. When I told someone you're over here doing stand up videos & bts, weather reporting, creating a daily comic, giving us the heads up on tickets, they were sold.

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Look I would add a fresh like on all your posts every day, but they're only counting the first one... But it is truly amazing what you're doing here. It's silly and pretty and surprising and original and funny and exciting and I love it so so much. I'm really invested.

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I love your daily doodles! They bring me joy 🥰

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